GROUP CLASSES ARE SUSPENDED ONLY PRIVATE LESSONS ARE AVAILABLE FOR REGISTRATION. On the first day, we evaluate a student and start teaching them from where they are at in their swim development.
Children must be at least three years of age to participate in any swimming lessons.
Private lessons are $170 per session. This includes 4 half-hour lessons, Monday-Thursday over a week period.
Refunds without question will be available up to 30 days BEFORE lessons begin. If for any reason a child needs to cancel their enrollment AFTER the deadline, if a replacement can be found for their vacated spot, a prorated refund of $100 will be given. If a replacement cannot be found, no refund can be given.
If your child is unavailable to attend their class (sickness, schedule conflicts etc), we cannot offer a refund or make-up classes.
Please make sure to plan ahead to minimize any conflicts.
In cases of electric storms (lightning), for the safety of staff and students, we will NOT be in the water. Any other form of weather, students will be in the water. We cannot offer refunds or make-up classes for inclement weather.
OUR CLASSES: For Group Lessons
BEGINNER REQUIREMENTS (Typically 3-4 years old):
- Must be at least 3 years old
- Must be potty trained
- Holding breath underwater, blowing bubbles, putting face in the water, submerging entire head
- Laying on their back with their head back and ears in the water with legs out straight on top of the water
- Putting arms out straight with face in the water and legs out straight
- Flutter kicking
- Blowing bubbles while holding onto a kickboard and kicking legs
- Gliding with face in the water unassisted
- Sitting dive off the side
- Jumping off the side and the diving board to the instructor
- Retrieving a diving toy with open eyes underwater off the stairs
- Should be able to meet Beginner Requirements and do ALL of Beginner Curriculum
- Bobbing in 5 feet of water (going under water and holding breath and coming back up)
- Back floating without assistance
- Front floating without assistance
- Flutter kicking on their back and on stomach with face underwater unassisted
- Gliding with face in the water unassisted
- Swimming with circle arms and crawl arms (5 feet) unassisted
- Swimming and breathing unassisted
- Sit diving off the side unassisted
- Jumping off the side, diving board, and swimming to the side unassisted
- Retrieving a diving toy in the shallow end unassisted
- Should be able to do ALL of Intermediate Beginner Curriculum
- 10 bobs in the water, going all the way underwater and blowing bubbles at five feet depth
- Back floating & front floating in five feet depth unassisted
- Flutter kicking on front and back across the pool unassisted
- Back crawling across the pool unassisted
- How to swim with circle and crawl arms across the pool unassisted
- Breathing to the side and breathing rhythm while doing crawl arms
- Kneel diving off the side unassisted
- Jumping off the diving board and swimming the length of the pool unassisted
- Retrieving a diving toy in 4-5 feet of water unassisted
INTERMEDIATE REQUIREMENTS (Typically 7-9 years old):
- Should be able to do ALL Advanced Beginner Curriculum
- Bobbing ten times in the deep end unassisted
- How to back float and front float in the deep end unassisted
- Treading water for at least one minute
- Front and back crawling the length of the pool unassisted
- Elementary backstroke the length of the pool unassisted
- Standing dive off the side and board unasssisted
- Tuck surface diving
- Retrieving a diving toy in 5-6 feet of water
ADVANCED REQUIREMENTS (Typically 8-12 years old):
- Should be able to do ALL of Intermediate Curriculum
- Treading water for three minutes or more
- Perfecting front and back crawl the length of the pool
- Perfecting the elementary backstroke the length of the pool
- Breaststroke the length of the pool
- Sidestroke the length of the pool
- Perfecting the tuck surface dive
- Pike surface diving
- Standing surface diving
- Perfecting standing dive off the diving board
- Retrieving a diving toy in the deep end
EXPERT REQUIREMENTS (Typically 8-14 years old):
- Should be able to do ALL of Advanced Curriculum
- Mastering Front Crawl, Breatstroke, Back Crawl, Butterfly, Elementary Backstroke, Sidestroke, & Flip-Turns
- Mastering Standing, Tuck, and Pike Surface Dives
- Increasing endurance by swimming pool lap and lengths while implementing different strokes